

  • 1500 Calories is where you should be for your weight. But more importantly is your macro nutrient breakdown. What you should be asking is "how many carbs is low carb" The easiest answer would be approx 20% of your caloric intake, "Custom" your "Goals" here in MFP - 40% for fat and Protein and 20% for carbs. Low carb does…
  • The old 'rule' is "Above the neck workout (head cold) below the neck stay home (Flu, aches and pains, fever). If you wipe down your equipment and use hand sanitizer (like we all should) your fine to workout. Never feel guilty for taking a day or two off the gym. A healthy attitude is most important.
  • When I started my fitness lifestyle, I was honest with myself, drinking water is the easiest thing we can do for our bodies,minds and to reach goals. So unfortunate to see men and woman marketing "Cleansing" diets/products ect when they have yet to simple drink a gallon of water a day. 16 cups -that's it. Upon waking I…
  • Kim, the ideal weight is "fit". Just toss out the scale and trust what you see in the mirror. Stick with a balanced, solid meal plan, weight train (avoid a lot of cardio). Think "Fill it with Muscle" Glutes, Thighs, Arms ect...shape them. Think "Get strong", Think " Look great, confident and healthy". It's unfortunate that…
  • It's easy to drink a Gallon. It's only 16 glasses. I have three upon waking each morning. 1 has 1/2 a lemon squeezed in it. (Hydrated for my weight training) I have 3 at the GYM w/ BCAA's in it. (helps prevent muscle breakdown/repair) 1 glass in my Whey + Greens Post Workout Shake (muscle repair) - ** that's 7 Glasses b4…
  • Hello My husband is currently adding lean muscle, we both added 10 pnds together when we met three years ago. We used Paleo eating to do so very effectively without adding any extra body fat. I think step one is stop calling It "weight gain" - Think of yourself as nourishing the growth, recovery and repair of lean muscle…