

  • I think this is good news for you. Now you know which other types of fat you need to cut out of your life. Not many people get a chance to have their Debbie Downers presented to them on a silver platter. Great job on your success! :smile:
  • About 4, 8 here and have a lot of weight to lose. You can add me as well if you like.
  • LOL!!! I gotta use that. I'm 4,8 ft. People talk about my height as well. Sometimes it can get annoying, like some nurse actually claimed that any man who becomes attracted to me is a pedophile. :explode: I ended up replying "So any man who's attracted to you must like ugly chicks." she got silent and I left. At the time…
  • I can't say whether or not I'm on Atkins(as I haven't read much on it but have been to the forums) but I am trying a low carb clean eating approach. I'm currently in Ketosis and I feel great! I'm not hungry all the freaking time so I eat less, I feel full without packing my plate. I eat lean meats, egg whites, I use low…
  • I used to be teased and made fun of because of my weight. I would never laugh along with someone actively seeking to hurt me and dehumanize me. However, I do know harmless jokes when I see it and laugh cause well, it's funny. being able to laugh at yourself is sometimes the best medicine when it isn't done to hurt you.…
  • I would agree and call her strong but I'm just not seeing it. Here are several quotes from her article. "My therapist is a petite woman with opinions as sharp as her suits..." "I am 23 years old and sitting in front of a doctor who is more interested in my chart than in resuming eye contact..." "He says something to me,…
  • I have to agree completely with this. On one hand I like the fact that the woman is speaking out against being defined by her weight as I do feel that society tends to do to obese people. If she wants to get out of the "rat race" that losing weight can be, then fine, she's entitled to do so and I agree with her decision,…
  • I need to lose 150lbs. This is my first time doing this site. Feel free to add me. I need all the motivation I can get and I hope I can provide the same.