

  • Hi All- I am happy to join a new challenge, this will be my first one so I hope I do okay! My CW-203 My goal by the 4th of July is to lose 12 pounds so GW 191! I have been fighting a weight loss battle forever it seems like. I really want to get down to a healthy weight level. I have a hard time excercising, and getting my…
  • Hi! I have heard of this happening with some of my family members because of a sleep aid they take. Not sure if you are taking sleep aids but sometimes that can cause you to do crazy things in the middle of the night. Perhaps it would be a good idea to check with your doctor because if you are taking any kind of medication…
  • Thank you for this, everything you've said here sums me up to a tee! It's nice to know that I am not the only one and that someone else struggles so hard like I do. THANK YOU! I plan to print this out and read it every day. You are an inspiration and your words will help me with my own weight loss struggle! I need the same…
  • Thank you for this, everything you've said here sums me up to a tee! It's nice to know that I am not the only one and that someone else struggles so hard like I do. THANK YOU! I plan to print this out and read it every day. You are an inspiration and your words will help me with my own weight loss struggle! I need the same…
  • I would love to be your friend! I need all the friends I can get! Motivation and Encouragement from total strangers who are trying to do the same thing I am is FABULOUS and knowing that there are people out there just like me give me a lot inspiration and hope! Good Luck!