mlegrand79 Member


  • A cup of microwave popcorn is about 25 cals, so you can do 1 cup or 2 cups for 50 cals. The whole bag is about 150 cals, so if I really need a filling snack, my hubby and I split the bag for 75 cals each. And I usually have a half a cup to a cup left and I am full.
  • Usually when a woman is planning a wedding (and this is not all) certain aspects of her personality emerge that are not normal. I have an A+ personality type. I tend to be obsessive about things and can react very poorly when things don't go my way. But I hate the thought of making people feel bad just because I can get…
  • No offense but your friend is fast tracking for a divorce. That is shallow, inconsiderate and just plain rude. She sounds like she wants a wedding and not a marriage. It is fine to want the best possible wedding you can have, but when it gets to a point of hurting people's feelings and someone's weight is more important…