

  • 220- age is just a guideline. My understanding is the Max heart rate is hereditary and some are higher than the guideline and some are lower. From the reading I have done- as soon as you feel the urge to throw up, you are approaching your maximim. But I could be wrong.
  • You have enough glycogen in your muscles to last about an hour. After that (I believe) you start eating your fat and muscles for energy. So you should probably have some carbohydrate packs. 6 hours is a long time to go without eating even when you are just sitting around (at least for me)- think if you are pushing your…
  • If you want a bitter chocolate cake try this one: http://spoonfulofsugarfree.com/2010/12/30/bitter-chocolate-love/ Or this girl has tons of single serve desserts. You could adjust the fat/cals/sugar to your liking. http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/
  • I know the feeling. I used to feel exactly the same way until recently when I was diagnosed with PCOS. And the doctor told me to to cut out carbs. I have since gone mostly paleo (like you). But eat lots of more protein than you (94 g per 1500 cals). I have found that I used to eat lots and lots of "good for you" grains and…