

  • Focus on more than just the number, set different types of goals. For example, I want firmer thighs, tighter butt, more toned arms, a flatter stomach, x jean size etc. Numbers on the scale can be increidbly decieving and a goal weight will vary wildly depending on your frame, muslce mass, etc. Have a variety of goals, the…
  • Hello, I know exactly how you feel-- I started around 260 and I am about your size now and I hit a plateu not long ago. It occured to me that you could be over-excersing, and you could also be eating the right about of calories but the wrong stuff. I was going to the gym everyday and killing myself until my trainer friend…
  • There is always a possibility you are maintaining your weight because you are losing fat but replacing it with some muscle (not a bad thing!) If you haven't already, consider taking measurements of you waist, butt, arms, etc. and see if you are losing inches anywhere. You may be pleasantly surprised! Also, make sure you…
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