

  • QFT. Actually, considering how heatstroke, sunstroke, dehydration, and the overall ickiness of tropical heat (in my personal experience) I would say the sun discourages us living off it straight, without some side dishes like sunblock, shade, and ventilation. I also like bacon.
  • Hello! I have to say, that subject line really caught my eye. Is 'paddy-no-mates' a saying in Ireland? :)
  • I was that kid. I am that kid. I just typed a response to another post about 'family pressure' and I think it'd be relevant here: I've spent years being pressured by my family to lose's only recently I was brave enough to tell them, Look, the more you pressure me, the less I want to lose weight. They turned it…
  • I've spent's only recently I was brave enough to tell them, Look, the more you pressure me, the less I want to lose weight. They turned it from something healthful I want to do to something that, if I do, is 'them' winning. Totally illogical, but it felt like that. If I lost weight, they had won something…
  • Hi, this recipe look intriguing! I just got gifted some smoked salmon and I was wondering what to do with it. Do you simply put everything in a blender?
  • What a blessing this thread is! I was just researching fruit/veggie drink options. I was trying to recreate the Naked Juice Green Machine taste, which I like, but which turns out to be unhealthy when I did research....I thought I was being so virtuous drinking it instead of fruit juice. :(
  • Thanks for the welcome! :)
  • Thamks for everyone's insights and links, I really do appreciate them. I would like to reframe my question: I AM going to take a month off, not only for fitness. Would it be better to simply do exercise in a way that I will be able to sustain when work resumes, or should I take advantage of this time to exercise multiple…
  • Thanks for your advice. Part of the 'month off' would be to keep myself away from restaurants, force myself to stop eating carbs, and have the time to figure out a healthy diet. Right now, just as I have no time to exercise, I have no time to cook either. But I am taking your words into consideration and debating, perhaps,…
  • Wow, congratulations on your weight loss! :) From one newbie to another, welcome and let's hope we both get healthy!