I currently weigh 135-137lbs and I think that's the lowest I've ever been. I'd like to get down to at least 120lbs but I have been warned by mother that it may not be possible for me to go under 120, just genetically.
'Naturally thin' I always think, refers to people with high metabolic rates. My friend, is thin and tall and eats crap. Sometimes it feels like you can push her and tip her over. She does a lot of sport too but our mutual friend is the sports star of the school, and so does lots more sport than her and eats about as half…
I am a huge blogilates fan - for one of the first times I'm actually enjoying working out! She's so chatty and conversational and I swear I have lost some off my stomach just from three weeks. Unfortunately unable to do recipes as my parents or grandparents cook so :/
I totally understand what you're saying. I think I'm going to buy the skirt and go try on the crop top >.< My self confidence has taken a knocking these past few years so yeah you're right
That's a very good point actually thanks. sitting. sigh Thank you everyone for being really lovely. Maybe this outfit is on the cards then yay :)
I love pop too. Coke is my weakness. However i have now started just rejecting anything that isn't water. I keep a massive 1 litre bottle of water by my bed and I drink it all the time. If you want a bit more flavour go for a green tea! And you can always add a bit of lemon to your water for an extra kick. Start small -…