

  • get a fitness dvd and do that I don't know your current fitness level but youtube had tons of fitnests dvds on there that you can watcdh for free just search workout dvd then you can at least figure out your current level
  • I am new to my journey of getting healthy. I would say weight loss but its so much more than that. I started by counting calories just because I didn't even realize how much I was intaking. I honestly didn't even kno what a portion size was until I started counting calories and I think its like that for most people even if…
  • I am also 5 foot 5 and was 250 . I started my healthy eating two weeks ago and my exersice last week a great workout video that will build you starmina and your muscles. The video I started on was EXTREME MAKEOVER WEIGHT LOSS EDITION THE WORKOUT walking is not for everyone and just getting your body used to moving again is…
  • I have 30 day shred and it is great another one that I like is the biggest loser extreme cardio it really gets my heart rate up and gets me pumped