kuntrygal Member


  • The sleeve is the best thing I ever did for ME. It took me two years of research to finally get comfortable with the decision. My regret- taking so long to have it done. I was the fat mom and my daughter was relentlessly teased about it. Now I ride the roller-coasters with her and nudge her to keep up with me! Your little…
  • My daughter also has gluten sensitivity. Best advice for this moment- clean out your cabinets. Check for anything that lists wheat or has a cross contamination warning. Caramel color is sometimes made with a wheat by-product. Check your seasonings and sauces. We use this website when she needs medicines…
  • He makes money off of it? He doesn't sell the Herbalife. The lab makes the money off of the bloodwork- he gets an office visit. Get over yourself.
  • I have been on the Herbalife shakes, bars and supplements for 2 months now and have lost over 20 pounds. I am under supervision of my doctor and am having blood work done regularly. All of my vitamin levels are- to quote my Dr.- "wonderful". Don't listen to the haters, Listen to your body.
  • I need a motivator! I have ultimately failed my personal goal for October. I would love to lose 5 lbs a week now to Christmas. I am in Louisiana.