pammesue Member


  • Hey yall. Im originally from Livingston, but live in Gallatin, TN right now. Hope to move back home some day. Im 43 and dont have any kiddos and have lost 130 ish lbs. Not into running, but I try to do 30 day shred every nite. 15 lbs have snuck back on and made me MAD. So im workin that back off!
  • You are probably right Lynxie. I didnt do anything while I was losing...only until I got small enough to where I didnt think I would die of a heart attack before I started excercising. Im sure I wouldnt have such saggy skin If I had done the working out wihile I was losing.
  • Ive lost over 125 lbs and I was fat for yearsssssssssssss. So it might be the length of time the skin was stretched as well as your age, but I need some serious surgery!! Working at toning up before the surgery while Im saving up. My upper arms are like wings and my neck looks ...well just looks odd. I will probably have…