

  • Welcome Nancy and others over 50. You can stay on track ... just remember to keep logging and moving and you will see results and reach your goals. I am working towards my goal and just finished a 5-hour RPM/Spinning fundraiser on Saturday and lived to tell about it!!! I spin at the gym 4 times a week ... at 6:00 am and it…
  • Just finished a 5-hour Spinergize for Hospice yesterday and feeling great that I accomplished what I set out for. I have been spinning since September at the Gym 3 times per week at 6 AM!!!! It took a while to get used to it but I am hooked on it now!!! Thinking about heading outdoors once the weather gets better ... Good…
  • My December goals: -- keep logging -- keep moving -- keep traiining My B-day is this month and I have set a goal for that day -- and I WILL MAKE IT !!! :o) Good luck to everyone else!!! Stay Classy:glasses: