

  • I would not trust the Treadmill. I like to just keep track of speed and incline and the just calculate the cals my self. I hope you find something to help you.
  • I saw some where that you lose fat equally all over your body. My only suggestion would be to have a good friend measure you or get calipers to get a better reading. measuring is the least accurate way of measuring Body fat.
  • All of my running experience comes from me being in the military. I have been in units that run Monday through Friday and noticed that there were more injures from running everyday. Compared to just running M-W-F. But then again it is what your body can handle I would suggest to defiantly break up the running with other…
  • I would say drink water. I did an unofficial study at work with some of my co workers (Soldiers), and the conclusion was that if you drank more water through out the day that you would, one not feel as hungry, and two would lose more weight that if you had a small snack. That's just my thought on that. I hope it helps.