high hopes
12 noon
towel rack
paper flowers
Ashland area of Kentucky. Hi neighbor!:smile:
Thank you to all who thought what I said was good or a possibility. I actually know a woman who throws a fit if her man tries to loose weight or cooks for himself. I asked her years ago why do that to him. She said that she would rather have him fat and coming home to her than skinny and all the other women chasing after…
I have read ALL of the responses and here is something that I did not see. Could it be that she doesn't want to have you loose weight because she could be afraid that she would loose you. There are so many men out there that are that way and there are just as many women that way as well. I also agree with everyone that you…
James Franco
False, never have even as a kid. TNP secretly wants to bark and growl viciously at people who annoy them
Husband snoring and the trains connecting and getting ready to pull out
I am being cremated. I want these played in this order. It fits how I feel and my husband thinks it is SO me. If my mother is still alive, she will probably freak but know it was all my idea. LOL Crazy - Gnarls Barkley Coming Back to Life - Pink Floyd or just David Gilmour Josh - Charles Littleleaf {for my husband} Walking…
Born & raised in a small town in Alabama. Now reside in an even smaller town in Kentucky. LOL
black book
log roll
Wild, Wild West
last call
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Dexatrim mixed with full blown Anorexia while doing hardcore aerobic exercises 4 hours a day 7 days a week. I did this for 6 straight months at the age of 12 being encouraged and given the pills by my grandmother. I went to a family gathering for the 4th of July and was supposed to be in a beauty pageant the next day.…
got milk
Dream a Little Dream
Born in Northeast Alabama Reside in Raceland, Kentucky
Last year my L3 herniated but from L4 the rest of the way down...nothing there but bone on bone. I have a deformed vertebrae which is not only cutting the muscle but pulling out a nerve. HIGHLY allergic to 95% of pain meds available. Chances of surviving anesthesia before they even begin surgery is 25%. In constant pain,…
big heart
two weeks notice
motivation speech
Shaun of the Dead
Michael Caine
Seeking A Friend For The End
Demi Moore