

  • I agree whole heartedly with what you said. Hypothyroidism effects your whole system. It's a subtle decent into the mental fog aches , fatigue. it's not overnight. My whole family has it. plus as you age everything is changing so it's tricky.
  • Regarding your post : Wow. First I want to sa thank you, all. .. so much more so many replies so quickly. I am I the 75 mg a day ... I am sluggish, weak, and could sleep around the clock. Another thing is I cannot control my temperature I am so hi all day dripping sweat. I can't even wear make up right now. It's been like…
  • I am new 53 and have hypothyroid ( which is out of whack presently by my blood work). menopause has gone wild on my apple shaped body..... I have gained at least 20 lbs this year.... I'm here for support and motivation too!!! glad to meet you all