

  • I am so sorry for your loss, I know that huge life changing events like that will change everything in life and we all need an outlet, but YEAH for you now that you are ready and want to make the change that is the First Step. I love this site, i havent been here long but i Love it, the support and knowing i am not the…
  • Hello everyone that has listed a post, I am sorry for your pain and partially relieved to know i am not alone out there, I had my first surgery almost 4 years ago on my neck had if fuzed, then Dec. of 2011 I had my 1st back surgery they chippped bone away and unpinched a nerve, i have perminant damage from my herniated…
  • I used to do WW as well, i am new here and not seeing the scale move no matter what i do, i lost 65 lbs and now i am stuck, this is free so i decided to come here and i love it, so simple and easy. i didnt go to meetings i did it all on line and didnt have the support as we do here, Good luck!
  • I donated all of mine, if they are gone you can NEVER go back to wearing them, if you feel frumpy that day or jsut want to be comfy then you dont have them there to fall back on and never go back to them fitting, It help me stay on track, i have dropped 4 sizes before I joined fitness pal 65 lbs. never ever going back to…
  • I drink coffee everyday not 3 or 4 pots a day but it doesnt stop my hunger, sounds to me like they are filling up on coffee and not eating, that is not a healty lifestyle for caffiene in take and lack of nutrition. i have lost 60 lbs doing it the hard way eating right and working out, good luck