

  • So far it doesn't make me feel jittery, you just feel like you have a lot of energy to get things done.
  • I am on my second week of taking it and so far I really like it. It gives me that extra little push in my workouts and because it is a thermogenic, it makes you really sweat in your workout. I haven't had any negative side effects from it yet and I don't feel a "crash" when it wears off later in the day. I did a lot of…
  • Well I actually just picked up a bottle a couple days ago and I am on day three and I have not had any bad side effects, I just feel really energizer and very focused especially when I workout and after I read all the great reviews I at least wanted to give it a try, but I figured I would ask on here if anyone has ever…
  • Hello my name is Sarah and I am 20 yrs old and I know exactly what you mean. I am the same way, I like to eat out and eat junk food all the time and it has definitely taken a toll on my body. Like you said you know you have to eat in moderation, but you don't have to stop eating these foods completely because if you cut…