Urgh after the new update with the kids-style dashboard we have a massive ad to contend with. Ironically the first time I used the new dashboard the ad was for ad-blocking software!
Me too, 2016 was a write-off i got lazy then i came off the bike and did my knee in and now i need to start again. i vowed this wouldn't happen but yep i need to do it all again and for the near future without the biking. unless i can face the turbo trainer in the garage in the freezing cold... heh nope! count me in :)
I ride my bike 3 times a week, if i miss a couple of rides i really feel the loss of fitness, but in your case as the others said, its more important to get fully clear of it first, good luck
Leeds, mainly in maintenance now but logging every day :)
Wow yes, thats an amazing transformation, you do look a lot younger! well done :D
i walked miles around and around the pool while reading, probably annoyed the hell out of all the people lying down on loungers!
That kebab thing where they slice greasy bits off the rotating elephant leg
loving the MyProtein Protein Chox bars in Cappuccino with bits of coffee beans in, i could eat them all day! (linky )
yes, apparently it is possible when in certain situations, such as yours. Most stuff ive read says that this is a kind of benefit of training while losing some of the spare weight, and it isnt a situation that lasts long so make teh most of it . Ive managed to lose fat and build new muscles at the same time but i get the…
great thread guys thanks, like the look of fitness blender a lot :)
I agree, it's addictive. i have a few reasons, my Dad got cancer at my age, that kind of spurred me to make some changes. My father in law died suddenly of cancer last year and i felt angry at everything and powerless. Luckily i decided that taking control of my body was a positive thing to help me get out of the dark…
Also looking for MFP friends :) weightloss "stopped" for me over Christmas and im struggling to get going again now so getting frustrated and nervous. No idea what i need to lose, its whatever it takes to get a body that only moves when i ask it to, not when gravity gets involved!
Lose the wobbly bits, grow the harder bits, specifically to see some muscles in my abdomen, maybe get some decent shoulder definition going on. And somehow to get my wrist sorted so i can do pushups normally instead of on my knuckles.
Hi, Im looking for the same please, currently logging alone and the newsfeed function looks like it would quite a force for good if i were getting updates from friends in it. I'm logging every bite and losing weight but losing focus by doing it alone. I'll have a go at adding you all! cheers, Adam
yes please! 40 and wanting to be fitter and better shape than when i was 20!
Muscle growth due to running? although if you can run that far within 3-4 weeks you must already have been a runner. could be bad recording of food? although its frustrating its easily done, but when it happens to me i just need to rememebr that im not magically going to get heavier, either i didnt enter enough food, or i…