I (very half-heartedly) started in January....but my goal is to stay on plan for all of June. I've got a physical on July 1st and want to see how I do! I batch-prepped some sippers last night and am ready to go!
Hey Faith! I'm reading his book now (borrowed it from the library) and am considering taking the plunge. Did you do the detox? If so, what was your experience like?
OMGoodness! this is soooo yummy! thank you for posting!
I've done the Just Dance games and no mats are required. You're on your feet the whole time. dancing. Awesome fun.
Congratulations on attainig your goal! You (probably won't get tired of hearing this...) look great!
Good Luck! Find something that will help to keep you motivated. And let me know what it is!! jk, welcome to mfp!