jvmulhall Member


  • Me too!!! I'm 5'-3, 122, 21% body fat, and I would like to be more like 18%. I do a bootcamp 3x a week and work with a trainer, who has me on a 40-40-20 diet, but ti's so hard!! next were going to try is nutrition cycling. on and off days of carbs. With a family to feed, it's so hard not to pick at the pasta I'm feeding…
  • I'm 5'-3 and 122, trying to lose 5 more...my trainer told me 130 grams of protein a day and 130 gr carbs...and 1300 calories. in the last 6 weeks I've lost 4 lbs of fat doing this. I literally eat grilled chicken breasts cold as a snack, and 3 protein shakes a day! get the optimum nutrition at bodybuilding.com large…
  • start lfiting weights! that will boust your resting metobolic rate. and cut out bread and pasta.