

  • I tried the sheep cheese and it was mild I think I'm just going to try to avoid cheese for the meantime. :/ Thank you for those combos! We did a restaurant test tonight and I had rice noodles with was so good...pretty salty, so I'll probably be up tomorrow morning!! Ack....anyway,…
  • Well, the decision to try goat cheese again with my lunch yesterday was a bad one! Up .2 this morning! My period must still be making me sensitive. I guess dairy is a reactive...sigh, will miss cheese.
  • Yay you Dorene!! You get yummy CHEEEEESE!! I'm jealous! :) We were going to try testing every 5 days...we'll see how that goes...hubby has a big list of things to's hard not to get impatient...there are lots of things I want to try too. Question: Are chicken and rice the only bad combos?? or was it chicken and…
  • I've been staying the same, up .2 down .2 up .4 down .2 for the last several days...I'm hoping my hormonal mess moves on soon....On a VERY happy note TODAY is DAY 20 for us!!! WE DID IT! :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :love: :happy: :tongue: We did the full 20 now onto testing and doing our own thing....hoping it will…
  • She just tweeted me back and said vinegar was ok...once I'm outa crazytown!! :glasses: yay...that will make my dressing better.
  • Welcome Roselover!! Well, my period finally came....woohoo???! :ohwell: And I'm up .6 this morning....I'm trying not to freak out...I tweeted Lyn Genet and she says take extra probiotic and absolutely NO testing....I was so looking forward to our restaurant test tmrw nite...oh well. Hopefully the .6 will come right off in…
  • Do you know if vinegar is allowed?? I tweeted Lyn but she hasn't replied...
  • Hi MysteryBear! Way to be organized! Good luck on your Plan. Hubby and I tested cod on Sat night and both of us lost on it! Me-1lb and hubby 1.6lb.. yay! The last few days have been not very successful for me...up .2 down .2 and hubby gained a pound last night from testing potatoes. His hunch about the potatoe chips was…
  • Hi Jenlybean! Wishing you much success on The Plan! Yay Dorene for being down 19lbs!! That is great! I am glad to hear that you are consistently at .4 loss makes sense as we are all so different. I lost nothing and gained nothing this morning...and I'm still awaiting my period...I really thought I'd be up…
  • So Awesome!! Good work!
  • Thank you Dorene! I made the compote and it was alot easier for me to choke down...still not my favourite but I'd probably choose it over the granola given a choice :) It's a bit of work but not bad. Hubby didn't mind it as well...the change was a beautiful thing for our discouraged-flax-eating-souls! :happy: So much of…
  • Thank you Dorene for your response! Your 17 lb weightloss is amazing!! Congratulaions! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one struggling with the flax. I think that I will also cut the flax back to half a cup, because I do end up throwing probably a quarter cup out...and it would be less gagging in the morning! Ha! :tongue:…
  • Hi! It doesn't look like much action has been happening in this forum...but I hope to hear from some of you fellow Planners. :) My husband and I started the cleanse on Tuesday and have just finished supper from Day 4!! Wooohooo for some flavorful cheese. (I am hoping I am not reactive.) As of this morning I was down 4 lbs.…