

  • I googled p90x and looked for calories burned information. Here is what I found. I didn't lose 1 pound by listing the high calorie burn according to the websites. Some sites list as high as 600 to 700 calories burned in a 50-60 minutes. When I listed that...I didn't lose weight at all. What I changed was I only listed the…
    in P90x? Comment by heartmn63 June 2011
  • Also....you may look at record your martial arts class under kickboxing to get an idea of calories burned. Just a thought...although when I do a kickboxing video ...I am not always hard core burning calories during this...so I shorten the amount of minutes I workout when I record this. Not saying this is always accurate I…
  • I too used to use WW. Several of my friends still are using it and after watching all the figuring they have to do for calculating their food..I said nope not for me. My sister mentioned this site. Although I haven't done the greatest job of eating only my certain amount of calories...it is easy to record things here. I do…
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