Soulwriter Member


  • [quote="Ming1951;38208586" I have just learned about how serious this is, my daughter always suffered with anxiety/ bad that she had few friends. 2 years ago suffered a complete breakdown and was diagnosed on meds doing well but still has some symptoms like motivation, gained over 80 lbs and just…
  • For me I have found a medication that works well and has a low enough dose that the side effects aren't killer. I am not willing to go without medication just because of my family history we are pretty riddled with mental illness. My uncle committed suicide about 5 years ago and I really have worked hard to keep on top of…
  • @Meghanebk I think its less boredom and more that when I have an off day I stay down too long. Also I have clinical depression and when I'm happy I'm really good with routine but when I'm depressed I tend to let everything go. The routine usually keeps me happy but the feelings I have of failure when I get out of that…
  • Yeah my lazyness comes in where its easier to go out and get something than to make something at home in my mind. I need to just have stuff at home that I can easily wip up or thats already made and just needs to be heated up. I agree with the logging as accurately as possible because in the past where I've gotten caught…
  • @xmichaelyx so I really don't have a good excuse, I have a freezer that I have lugged all the way from Utah to here (Maryland). I love using it, I have a crock pot as well and need to commit myself to doing the bulk cooking once or twice a month because when I do its easier. I cook everything for my husband as well and…
  • @harley2424 thats awesome that you've lost so much. I agree I've done good with mental health for the most part but I forget that I need the physical as well for the mental. Right now my goal is to stick to 1400 calories a day with at least a half an hour a day of exercise. I'm realizing that eating out is almost a…
  • Just starting again I'm a week in with trail walking and counting calories again heres to hoping :)
  • Gotta start somewhere good job :)
  • @nowine4me Thanks I agree baby steps one day at a time one step at a time, thanks
  • You've hit the nail on the head, I often struggle with understanding the relationship I have with failure. I have spent my life with a mom who never acknowledged when something was done wrong or needed adjustment but within herself was always a failure. So I simultaniously feel like a failure and feel like if I forgive…
  • I agree I've done that in the past and I need to find a way to do it that makes sense for my life. Sandwitches before hand are easy and I've also been doing green drink shakes that I pre-measure out all the ingredients so they are easy. Sometimes I try and do too much and then stuff goes bad before I can get to it. What…
  • That's awesome on not bingeing in 7 days! I totally get the need for the motivation. I often change my behavior by fear and I think this time my fear of failing is holding me back instead of moving me forward. I already feel like a failure so its hard for me to try again. I agree with the small steps, I too often try and…
  • I'd love to make new friends and find a community of support online
  • is it possible to increase appetite by working out too much?
  • great job I'm on 7 days of counting every step is a success
  • I weigh in on Monday mornings because it is the beginning of the week in my fitness pal and just right after the weekend too so i feel like if i need more exercise i can do more over the weekend to try to tip the scales. Also weigh yourself at the same time every weigh in because weight fluctuates throughout the day. The…
  • I think we all need encouragement, but you can do it, ill be your friend :)
  • its because you have more fat then muscle but if you had as much muscle as you do fat then you would weigh more... people... superman has less fat then you do
  • I do a lot of things with mixing soup and rice or soup and noodles especially soups like cream of chicken or cream of broccoli or things like that, I keep a bucket full of rice after you buy it its not that expensive and soup is really cheap, tonight i made rice with cream of chicken soup over it with chicken in it, it was…
  • Im getting started again too good luck, I dont know if this will help you but ive decided to set up a rewards system for myself as i loose weight ill give myself rewards that are healthy at each checkpoint either things i want to do or places i want to go just little treats to me that arent food... hey it may work its…
  • Don't get discouraged you will loose the weight you will get past it and it will all work out, don't loose hope I think you just need to keep doing it have you gotten any advice on shin splints cause I have some cause I get them so bad. These are the stretches that I do that are helping me out a ton. Lay on your back with…