

  • Do it NOW.....
  • This morning I had what I call my "Oatmeal Sundae" consist of flax oatmeal, activia greek strawberry yogurt, small banana (sliced), sprinkle of cinnamon, and 1 tbs. of honey. :tongue: Oh, can't forget my k-cup Pike coffee with vanilla cinnamon creamer.
  • Hi chekerr, I've just joined this site myself. Looking for encouragement also and fun with like people in losing weight. Don't know how to add people just yet but when I do I'd like to add you as a friend. Have a Blessed Day.
  • Hi chekerr, I've just joined this site myself. Looking for encouragement also and fun with like people in losing weight. Don't know how to add people just yet but when I do I'd like to add you as a friend. Have a Blessed Day.
  • Hello all, my name is Bambi, yes it's my real name...:) I'm 56 years young...I've just joined Cal Family Fitness and needed a journal to record my foods/workouts and looking around I found this amazing site. Hoping to find encouragement and fun in my journey to losing this weight I've put on these last 2 years. Will be…
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