

  • Hey! So I am currently on Week 3 Day 1.The first week I was really out of breath , the second I felt better but I was still getting out of breath , but today i didn't get out of breath - i was ok , just feeling my legs a bit sore. So my question is: Is it ok if i'm not getting out of breath or I'm doing something wrong?
  • Me and my friend have been doing the c25k program for 1 week.Next time we have to do Week 2 Day 1. We are running on Monday , Wednesday and Friday. The thing is that my friend can't come in Monday and my question is whether we can do the Monday running on Sunday and then continue on Wednesday????????? Thank you .
  • Tomorrow is my 3rd day of c25k :) I'm doing the program with a friend and it's actually great. I love it! :)