

  • I agree that this statement should be modified. I didnt really think I was in "starvation mode". I just wanted to know what happened if your body goes into it and/or what could happen if you eat too few calories. i.e, could your body actually "store" fat (or whatever it may store) and show as weight gain. I have been…
  • This is all great info for someone just starting out like myself. I always thought that less calories...more weight loss.. I now know that's not always true. I don't deliberately go under my calories but I will now try harder to come closer to at least 1200
  • Thanx..That's an answer that I can understand...makes sense now. Now I know that I shoul'nt be afraid to up my calories.
  • I am very new to this nutrition thing, so, I'm sorry if I ask dumb questions that have been beat to death before or make comments that some may think is common knowledge, but everyone has been at the same stage of the game as I am at one time or another..
  • I was just worried about my metabolism slowing down due to not enough calories..thats all
  • I have been eating a lot more fruits and vegitables which tend to fill me up which is why I think I am often under the 1360. I always had a problem with "moderation" in the past. Now, since I started eating differently, I feel very full most of the time after eating.
  • Thank you all for the replies...I guess I'm just paranoid about going backward instead of reaching my goal. So would 300 cal under slow matabolism? Or should I really try to be at my aloted 1360?
  • thavoice, 300 under daily 1360 goal. Sorry, I should give more info..Thanx for the reply
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