And none of your knee-jerk reactions attempted to answer amykluver's original question.
OK. True. Raw milk = live enzymes. Pasteurized milk = dead enzymes. Orange = ? Pharmaceuticals = ?
Mouse_Potato: I pointed you to the best source I'm aware of. Did you see it before it was removed? It seems counterproductive, but I could try to copy&paste the info. Unfortunately, scans from books written in the 1800s wouldn't show. Just to be clear...I don't agree with the claims as stated nor would the creators of the…
I suggest you do more research on CPTG which is just a marketing term created out of the blue by a specific MLM. If the company misleads about this, what else will they mislead about? I prefer buying oils from a company that has its own farms and distilleries all over the world rather than from one that was setup strictly…
Reminder to everyone else: EvgeniZyntx used the phrase "oils are alive." I simply contrasted pharmaceuticals to an orange. Yes, I feel justified in thinking that one has dead/inert ingredients while the other is packed with living enzymes.
I never mentioned products from Ecuador. And I made no attempt to support a cancer-cure claim. I just provided additional data for long-timer Mouse_Potato who included this line in the third post on this thread... "The woman even tried to tell me essential oils injected in to a tumor would cure cancer. The whole thing gave…
Might be best to let long-timer Mouse_Potato decide whether I spammed her or truly/thoughtfully answered the questions she asked with the links I provided. So far, you seem to be the one spamming this particular conversation.
evileen99: Not disputing that. But that wasn't the question which had more to do with whether or not frankincense had been injected into a tumor. On the other hand, it is well known that, while the US healthcare system is #1 in acute/emergency/traumatic care, it sucks at chronic issues. In other words, if I have a bullet…
cmriverside: True. But long-timer amykluver started this thread and Thieves hadn't entered the discussion before long-timer Mouse_Potato brought it up. Seems like you have such an anti-MLM or YL bias that you disregard the info presented. I didn't see any recruiting going on except yours--to join the anti-MLM brigade to…