

  • Jo, just outta curiosity, how tall are ya?
  • You know I can relate to this... I am trying to become one of those people
  • Thanks for this. My concern, honestly, is eating so much over maintenance that I'll gain weight too fast (i.e., fat). I'm currently paying attention to hunger to up my calories from 2600; the past 3 days I've naturally landed between 3100-3300 (also, naturally, at a 40/30/30 split) but I've still gone to bed a bit hungry…
  • Thanks for responding to this! Did you bump your calories up because of the scale numbers or because of how your body felt? I guess my question is - can I use my hunger signals as an accurate gauge? Thanks!
  • Thanks for replying. It's just been such a mind-f*** to think I was eating over maintenance, only to see the scale read 155 pounds this morning (again, I was 159 yesterday but I guess my body let some water go to show me the true colors). But I was pretty hungry every day at 2500-2600 and wondering how that could be...…