

  • Wow you all are so awesome with your responses. Now I feel motivated to set my alarm earlier than normal (5:30!) so that I can get in a work-out and still have time to shower, eat breakfast, and catch my 7:15 a.m. bus. Gonna try it starting tomorrow morning. will keep you all updated. Oh, on a sad note, I had to return my…
  • Tonight I waited another 30 minutes after I posted and checked the temperature. It had dropped enough so I grabbed a bottle of Gatorade and walked 1.5 miles but that walk took me 30 minutes because it was still humid and I'm not in great physical shape yet. I'm still at that stage of overweight-ness where the thighs rub…
  • It's 7:55 p.m. and still 90 degrees with a heat index of 92 degrees. I definitely won't be going outside tonight for a walk or bike ride. Too humid. Thanks everyone for your posts and advice. I'm going to try the early morning exercise, and take everyone's suggestions to make sure I take care of myself properly when I…
  • I've been on thyroid meds since 2000. One thing you should be aware of is that your body will naturally adjust to your thyroid med dosage by either slowing down (to let you know that you need your dose increased) or speeding up (to let you know that you need your dose decreased). Examples of this include periods of…
  • I'm 42 and petite and need to lose 50 pounds to get back down to my normal weight. I'm considered obese for my height which is 5 ft 2, at 170 pounds. And I just joined myfitnesspal and am glad I found this community forum to share my story with others who are also in my situation. I'm trying to walk 2.5 miles at least 3…