callas444 Member


  • As a beginner in fitness, I didn't feel like I could just pick up a book and learn how to lift weights. It's intimidating. I don't live close to a traditional gym. Fortunately, I found out about a program near where I work that combines cardio, light weight lifting (I started with 6 pounds), calisthenics, and yoga. I would…
  • I mash up a banana and put 2 tablespoons of PB2 (the kind with cocoa). I love it that way. I've also made a sort of mousse by mixing it with fat free or low fat cool whip. If you have a few extra calories that day, you can put either one of those concoctions on a graham cracker and freeze it for 30 minutes for an ice cream…
  • 3 weeks out of every 5, I can eat 1/4 of a cookie, a sliver of cake, a half cup of ice cream and be satisfied and proud of myself that I'm on the right track. The other 2 weeks, I have to limit my exposure to those trigger foods because I have less self control at those times of the month. The important thing is to be…
  • 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
  • What I would do is look at what you have and figure out ways to use up as much of it as possible in your meal planning for the next 2 weeks. Write it down on a calendar or schedule so you don't forget your ideas. It's also a great time to toss out anything that is expired or doesn't look good. Eat up what you can so you…
  • Accept compliments with grace, really enjoy them. Take pride in the little things that get better as you get smaller. Join stuff, get out there and enjoy life. Weigh loss is worthwhile. It's important. It changes your life. Try not to think of it as "when I get there". Think of this as your new normal. Your new life!
  • I kind of see binge eating like alcoholism or drug abuse. It's a type of addiction. I know that's hard to hear, but it really is. You are addicted to the feelings associated with binge eating, the secrecy- no one knows so you're getting away with something naughty. That's the high. Then, like other addictions, you crash-…
  • Since weight is an intensely personal thing, it's difficult to have someone tell you that you need to lose weight, be healthier, etc. When people used to say that to me, it made me eat worse, not better. I think that like any addiction, a food addict has to hit a point where they find themselves worthy of doing a better…
  • I still do my steps and workouts, regardless of TOM. I think most people want to eat more during their time. It's one of those nature things that we have trouble overcoming. I just try to remember that every extra calorie I eat will end up being pounds that take longer to lose. I've spent my life losing the same 50 pounds…
  • My diary is open too. This is a great question. It is very helpful to look at the food diaries of others to get ideas.
  • I set mine to my ultimate goal weight, which is the weight that will put me in the normal BMI range.
  • Easiest ways to get calories without eating junk food: avocado (add to any sandwich or wrap-delicious and very healthy for you); unsalted almonds or other nuts (weigh them- 1/2 to 1 oz is plenty; boiled eggs; high fiber/high protein granola or protein bars (Choose ones with less than 8 grams of sugar per serving); whole…
  • On my highest calorie day since I started mfp, I ate around 2,100 calories. Not a major splurge, but a splurge for me who rarely goes over calories. Even on that day where I felt like I ate so very much, my "if you eat like this every day, you'll weigh XXX in 5 weeks" was a LOSS. It was a 5 pound loss. It put things in…
  • Yes holding on to anything will definitely affect your reading. It would most likely make your reading less, depending on how you were holding on. Even if you let go after, since it's a digital scale it will not be an accurate reading.
  • Plan your snack (a high protein snack is what works best for me), eat just what you planned, then sip lemon water and chew gum. It gives your mouth something to do while you wait for dinner. I'd also highly recommend making sure you have your dinner planned out and prepared as much as possible in advance. Crock pot and…
  • I bought a winter coat on clearance in a size L. I started at a 5x and now I am a 2x. I love my little purple coat so I am going to work hard not only to fit into it, but to be able to wear a great big pile of sweaters under it! Normally I wouldn't do this, but my current coat is humongous and coats are very expensive when…
  • I drink an almond/coconut blend that is 45 calories per cup rather than the 90 calories per cup in skim milk. I do this simply for the calorie savings and because it's absolutely delicious in cereal. It allows me to eat cereal that has no sugar and still have a bit of a sweet taste. I also drink it because it lasts much…
  • I started at somewhere around 350 (my scale wouldn't weigh me when I was above 334). I am now under 260 currently (10 months into my journey) I only promised myself to eat regular food in reasonable portions, eat extra veggies to help fill me up, and to stop my nonsense with binging on junk food. Because I was eating well,…
  • Slimfast is like any other "diet" fad. It works because it puts you in a calorie deficit. But you can eat real food and be in a calorie deficit. The thing about diets is that they don't work in the long term because you haven't changed your eating habits. You use the slimfast until you get tired of it, then you go back to…
  • Most places have vegetarian options. Although they are not always lighter than the carnivorous options, it gives you something else to try if the regular entrees are very heavy. Also don't forget broth based soups before your meal can make you eat less calories for your entire meal. Watch the salad dressings as they are…
  • Several people have told me that I have inspired them to start their own weight loss journey. That means a lot to me. Of course it feels great when people say how good I am looking, but those words "you inspire me" make me want to set a good example every day!
  • If you think of it as a diet, you'll fail. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to make small but important changes that will be how you eat forever. Control portions of main dish items, eat extra veggies, and try to eat more whole grain foods.. Move more. You don't have to run or bike or get a gym…
  • My only promise to myself at first (even before I found MFP) was that I had to do something that I can do for life. So I decided to eat the food my family eats in a reasonable portion, and stop being a ridiculous pig with snacks. I was eating probably 4000 or 5000 calories a day which got me up to 340. A good half of that…
  • Maybe try surprising your body by doing something completely different. Moving different muscles, doing different cardio can sometimes help.
  • It's usually a good move to order double veggie, no potato/bread/pasta. Broth soups are a good way to start your meal, just avoid the cream of everything. Some folks think salads are automatically a calorie bargain, but this isn't the case. The dressings, cheese, etc often add up to more than 500 - 1000 calories. Then you…
  • There are always going to be temptations. It's a part of life. The only way your healthy lifestyle is going to be forever is for it to be realistic and work in the real world. If you are "dieting", which is temporary, you will likely gain it back when you go back to your former way of eating. That being said, the only…
  • It has been my goal to eat the same food my family eats. We eat a lot of crock pot dinners. Many of the dishes have been easy to make more healthy without sacrificing flavor. Here is my secret: I eat a reasonable portion of the main dish plus 2 veggie sides. (Usually a salad and some green beans or broccoli.) My family…
  • Thank you for asking this question! I was wondering where to start with lifting and I think this book is it!
  • It is important to make healthy choices while hitting your macros. Yes, you could probably eat a large DQ blizzard instead of dinner and maybe hit your calorie goal for the day. But you won't be hitting your macros. You will be over in fat, carbs, and sugar. You will be under in protein. Fitting your macros is more than…
    in IIFYM Comment by callas444 February 2014