SarahStrawberry Member


  • Hey Susanne, no I've lost 33lbs since joining MFP - only 7lbs since the start of September. Sometimes I wish it would come off that quickly but I know that's not healthy nor sustainable!
  • Thanks for backing me up! :) Technically it is a Welsh cake and yes it is a before pic. But even if I weighed 110lbs (a girl can dream!) I'd be allowed to eat and photographed doing so! I thought the whole point of this site was to track what you eat and make sure it is less than you burn (if you're trying to lose weight,…
  • Hi, I've been on the site a while but haven't been taking it seriously enough. I decided yesterday to give the 5:2 a go and today is my first "fasting day". I'm feeling a bit nervous but I need to make a change. Had a light breakfast and I'm planning on having lunch then nothing else (easier to explain at work). Next fast…
  • Hi, I'm 26 and have no kids. I'm the same most of my friends on MFP do have children and although they're supportive there's always a bit of me thinking "it's not quite the same". At least they have an excuse! This was alllll me! :/ Anyway always looking for new friends and I am determined that 2013 will be the year I stop…
  • Hi, I don't have a pedometer (will go find one though!) But approximately how far / long is 10,000 steps? I'm trying to walk to work (3.5miles) at least 3 times a week, then there's all my wandering around the office/house. Just wondered if I'd be anywhere near the challenge? thanks!
  • I need a twin to motivate me! Stats! GW: 140s CW: 218 Height: 5'0" Age: 25 Sex: Female Probably being blond but what's SW?