People don't need to believe in gravity or relativity either... doesn't make them any less true.
All calories are made up of macro nutrients...carbs, fats, protein. It's not possible to hit your macros but not calories...unless you are drinking alcohol and not tracking.
If you're losing weight you are in a deficit not maintenance.
Viewing this as "falling down" or a daily failure of your diet seems to be a really unhealthy way of looking at food. So is "just exercise for 2.2 hours and burn it off" mentality. It's just food.
There are different theories on protein - I'm doing body composition right now so I'm targeting 1 g per lb of body weight. 68 grams seems low to me regardless of what your end game is. Fish or pork? You can eat dark meat chicken too or fattier cuts of pork if you need to fit fat macros in.
Salt, gluten and aspartame killed my family.
Not only are the differences small....they are negligible. People WAY over think and over analyze this stuff. Eat less calories than you burn if only weight loss is your goal. If you goal is body recomp, make sure the calories are properly balanced with protein/carb/fat and lift weights. Why would anyone want to over…
Seriously....weight training "bulk you up"? When you say lose "weight", you mean fat right? Excess calories "bulk" people up, not lifting. edit : meant weight training...not muscles
Working out is a terribly inefficient way to put your body into caloric deficit....use your diet for that. Unless you have sports specific goals....go to the gym to build strength/muscle not to burn calories.
The problem with 1200 calories though is that there's no where else to's not sustainable long term which is why inevitably people that sustain on that level usually gain much back. If your set point is 2000 or 2500 calories and you start eating more and gain....isn't it much easier to start eating at 2,500…
I haven't read every post in here.....but 1,200 calories is really low. Youtube Layne Norton metabolic disorder. What happens on a very low calorie diet - your body becomes accustomed to this amount eventually. Yes, initially you will lose weight....but again, your body is an amazing organism, it will learn to adapt at…