Name: Orla Age: 37 Height:5'3" Start Weight (1st June):65.8kg Goal Weight (1st July):62.8kg 1st June:65.8kg 8th June: 64.5 15th June: 22nd June: 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost/gained this week: 1.3kg Weight lost/gained this month: 1.3kg Successes/struggles this week: Managing to get into a good routine of eating really…
Name: Orla Age: 37 Height:5'3" Start Weight (1st June):65.8kg Goal Weight (1st July):62.8kg 1st June:65.8kg 8th June: 15th June: 22nd June: 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week: