franinaz Member


  • Hi to this group and to OA as well. I went to my first meeting a few days ago. It certainly opened my eyes to a few things about myself. Wow--do I have work to do! It's a very supportive group and I have a contact who I call every morning and we discuss my food plan. Glad to be here! Fran
  • I'm an LPN in Labor & working part time. I've been on nights for 28 years.
  • Hi Everyone...I've been over 50 for some time now (I'm 64) and the weight is a lot harder to keep off now. So I'm attacking it. Less sugar and carbs, more water and exercise. As the weight comes off--I am noticing that my knees don't ache as much and I have more energy. Great side effects!!
  • This looks like a good place to be. I'm Fran and I am 64 years old! I live in Arizona--near Phoenix. I am originally from NYC and lived in Florida for 28 years before coming out here. I work part-time and really can't wait to retire (next year) My husband and I love to travel and have a small travel trailer. Next summer we…