

  • it is a personal decision in the end but there are a lot of discussions on here about that very topic personally I eat some of my exercise calories but I try not to and I'm losing well I also have a friend or 2 that won't eat theirs and shocker they are losing as well so read up and think about how you want to approach…
  • I despise dieting which is why I am with you on avoiding it at all costs. I look at this site not as a diet or even a way to "fix" myself. But as a way to make myself accountable to someone even if it is a total stranger to me for what I'm doing to my own body I didn't change what I ate just how much of it then fitness…
  • not to sound sour grapes or echo what someone has already said but the stress of a new environment probably has more to do with your regularity than your fiber intake it's not uncommon for people to back up for days just because of stress and no amount of fiber will help short of taking enough laxative to clean you out for…
    in POOP Comment by rinwaln November 2011
  • You've made the first step in the long road to turning it all around. keep up the good work and don't lose heart for the setback of the last 5 months I did almost the exact same thing. Now after a month and a half I'm almost back down to my starting weight and I'm making huge gains in the fitness department. You can do it…