

  • I`m from Helensburgh near Glasgow feel free to add me if you want will be nice to have some UK friends as well as all my American ones.
  • Absolutely brilliant and so very very true. This made me smile x
  • Welcome to the site. I have tried dieting in the past and never seem to have any will power to stick to them but have been on here for over a month now and have lost almost a stone it does come off slowly but at least it is coming off. Its great if you add friends too everyone is in the same boat and loads of encouragement…
  • I currently live In Helensburgh which is near Glasgow in Scotland
  • I felt the same as you at the beginning wasn't sure what I should be doing. I have found just by sticking to the calories I am actually able to lose weight fairly steadily although not as much as I would like each time. My sister is doing another diet and she is losing weight at a much quicker rate than me although she is…
  • Thanks guys for all the messages wow I already have about 20 friends hope we can all motivate each other into sticking with our diets and hope we all reach our goals.
  • Count me in and add me as a friend I need as much encouragement as I can get and I will give loads back in turn. I joined at the start of February as I turned 30 and decided that its now or never.