

  • What a great read! As your butterfly flutters along, you're accumulating quite a bit of writing - enough to become a published author. Your writing, stories, and encouragement would make a great book.
  • Maybe swim and eat more foods that don't make you spend the rest of the day craving high calorie foods, but cure the hunger quickly. I haven't done a lot of research on that. I find that carbs from bread or sugar take away the hunger for an hour or so, but then I crave them the rest of the day. So I'm playing with things…
  • Hi. I've hyper-extended both knees and suggest that if you have swelling, puffiness, or redness for longer than 2 days, have a doctor take a look. If you have something more than a sprain, the cartilage and ligaments can take a long time to heal. I didn't follow doctors orders during recovery and have had crunchy and…
  • Me too - absolutely starving after swimming. I think it's due partly to swimming being a full body workout. Also pro swimmers are notorious for their 10,000+ calorie diets while not having a problem with weight gain or fat. I read recently in Tim Ferriss' 4 Hour Body that "Water is 24 times more thermally conductive than…