alwayskari Member


  • I'm down a pound, which is actually better than I thought I'd do. It's been a week of junk food for sure. Work stress has been leading to the munchies. Better stop that!
  • I'm down 2.4 this week! I don't feel like I ate well, but I did stay within my calories and added some exercise to the mix. This week I'm aiming for another 2lbs. Going to freshen up my diet a bit and try to get a little exercise every day.
  • I like the idea of challenges. I'm game!
    in 1st Week Comment by alwayskari July 2013
  • Good job, gang! I'm down 1.6lbs this morning for 18.3 total. Was hoping for more, but I'm not complaining. Here's to another good week!
  • It's really hard when you realize that it's what you're eating. I mean, I had no doubt I ate poorly, but seeing weight come off when I did better was a bit of a wake up call. Three pounds is awesome!! Good job!
  • I am in a similar boat! I want to start a family with my husband (we've been married 4 years), but PCOS and weight are in the way of my getting pregnant. I'm going to be 30 this year. It's time for me to get moving before it's too late for kiddos!
    in 1st Week Comment by alwayskari July 2013
  • Hi All! I'm Kari. Usually when I diet I don't like to tell anyone -- ashamed of my weight and not wanting anyone to know that I know I need to lose. That method obviously hasn't worked in the past though, so I need support and encouragement and a group to keep me honest. I've lost 17lbs so far with more than 100 to go. I…
    in 1st Week Comment by alwayskari July 2013