WorkoutWithLaurie Member


  • Just do a different one each day. When you buy the official program it comes with a 60 schedule. But just mix it up and you'll do fine
  • I love PiYo. I am a certified piyo instructor and I use the dvds too. I wear a heart rate monitor whenever i workout, at 150 pounds i burn 550 calories per hour.i think it absolutely replaces cardio. I also road ride bike and lift weights. My flexibility is better than it has ever been. Enjoy your PiYo!
  • I did p90x years ago and found it to be difficult as a woman. So manny pull ups! About a year ago I did T25 another beachbody program. Each workout is 25 minutes, tough and challenging but doable. I lost 30 pounds.
  • Have you had a physical recently? If not you probably should. Also consider cutting out wheat for one month and see if that helps.
  • You also burn more calories doing similar exercise at a higher weight. When I weighed 180 pounds i would typically burn 600 cal per hour of exercise. Now at 150 pound i typically burn about 450 calories per hour. Therefore, i now need to eat less or move more to achieve similar weightloss rate.
  • 1000 calories is way too low. One should never go below 1200 calories a day. 1500 is better ofr your overall health and longterm success. Good luck.:smile: