grentea Member


  • Bring in a water bottle from home and go to Starbucks for coffe so you won't have to go in the kitchen. Or you can just take responsibility for your actions and not eat the food.
  • I think you look great. Excellent job on the weightloss! I wouldn't suggest losing anymore, but toning up.
  • I'm prediabetic and I'm not overweight. What I do is eat around 30 grams of carbs at each meal. For me that ends up being about one serving size of a high carb food. For example, a 1/2 cup of beans, 1 serving of a starchy veggie like peas or corn, or 2 slices of bread. I would also eat protein and veggies with whatever…
  • Have you ever watched the show What Not to Wear? I learned how to dress myself by watching that show. Also, you can try to find celebrities who have a similar body shape and try to recreate some of the outfits that they wear. I personally LOVE modcloth like someone else mentioned and now a days retro clothing is back in…
  • I'm not married, so my opinion doesn't count for much, but it sounds like you don't trust him. I wouldn't either after discovering the original messages on Facebook. I also think the private sessions with the porn star is going way too far. His actions to me are saying, "not committed to monogamy". Only you can decide what…
  • I have some negative family members also. I've learned to accept them for who they are. I choose to spend less time with them due to the negativity. Your mom doesn't sound like she is interested in changing her life for the better. So she probably is not going to be too supportive of you changing things. You could look to…
  • I freeze foods occasionally. I have frozen casseroles and various meat products. I think you can freeze most things, if you package them correctly. I usually portion them into 1-2 servings in containers. When I want to eat something, I just take it out of the freezer the night before and put it in the fridge to thaw. I…
  • It could take a while for your body to readjust. Are you increasing your fluids with the increased fiber? Walking helps also. If it has been weeks, I would go to the doctor. Sanitation in other countries is not the same as the US, and you could have a parasite. Some attach to your intestines and it could take months for…
  • I'm pre diabetic and I have never been more than 5 pounds overweight. No one in my immediate family or grandparents have it. I have always eaten very healthy. I have none of the risk factors, except I found myself on my way to diabetes. I had many of the symptoms and I had to request several times to be tested because the…
  • It isn't too late! You are a valuable person, no matter what your size. Don't give up on yourself because you are important. Life is a marathon and not a sprint. Start investing in your life.
  • Isn't the baby still getting everything from you in the breast milk, including nutrients. If you are not eating enough, won't it lead to you becoming deficient in nutrients? Pregnancy is hard on your body and it takes a long time to recover. It doesn't sound like enough calories. Maybe you should check with your physician.
  • Great job! Wow that takes commitment!
  • Don't let those hateful people get you down! What you are doing is awesome. Don't stop over a bunch of losers!
  • I would take your class for sure and I wouldn't care if you weren't a size 4! I've taken different classes with instructors of all sizes and the best instructors were knowledgeable, fun and had a great attitude. I think you will be great! Go for it!
  • If you are paying for the dress yourself, just continue on with the weight loss. How would she even know if you didn't tell her? My sister is getting married and she can be immature and unreasonable, but I've chosen to just keep my mouth shut and focus on her. If the dress is hideous and expensive, can you and the other…
  • I didn't read all of the post and maybe I'm way off base but I'm insulin resistant and prediabetic and I've never been more than 5 pounds overweight. I don't have PCOS, but I've never understood why people act like you lose weight any differently. It may be harder, but it is not impossible. Take the phentermine if you…
  • Can you try to stretch the boots? That would probably be the easiest thing. I have chunky legs and I've never been able to wear tall boots. It is on my to do list for the fall to find some that will fit!
  • I feel like I can relate to this even though I've never been really overweight. I've always gotten alot of unwanted attention from men and I feel like alot of people don't take me seriously. It is hard professionally at times. It is difficult to discourage flirtatious behavior from someone who is your superior without…
  • Maybe you should try to scale back the cardio or increase your calories. One binge is upsetting but not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Try to think more positive. Everyone could try to be a little nicer. It's not fair to gang up on the OP. You have gotten some harsh replies, try not to take them to heart. ETA:…
  • That sounds like a difficult habit to have. It is good that you are getting it out there. I would second the advice of seeing a therapist or even trying a self help group. You have established that this is unhealthy and you already have some health risks. A therapist can help you explore some healthy coping strategies. You…
  • In my case it's genetics. I'm 5'4 and 138 lbs. My abs are visible at this weight and so are my ribs! I carry all of my weight in my lower body. I don't do any ab work and I'm kinda afraid of what my abs would look like if I did! I would probably have a six pack, which is totally not what I'm going for.
  • I agree with getting your iron and thyroid checked. I looked at your diary. I don't know if you have any food restrictions, but you are eating alot of carbs and processed foods. I would add more protein. Foods like chicken, turkey, nuts, etc. I feel tired all of the time also. But I started monitoring my carb intake and…
  • Can I ask an honest question without offending anyone hopefully? I think their food is seriously mediocre. I mean one step above fast food mediocre. Why do people like these chain restaurants so much? I get them all mixed up because they are all the same to me. I feel like I can get the same quality in the frozen food…
  • This doesn't sound healthy. Your body is not getting enough nutrients and whatever it needs to function properly. I would see a health care provider and start eating a more balanced diet. More green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein would be a good start.
  • I think you look great and not at all sickly. I would suggest learning to tune out the negative comments. They sound like jealous haters. Focus on building a good support system and spending time with positive people. Don't let these people get you down. You are making positive changes, so keep it up. They are not your…
  • Oh my goodness! I thought I was the only one who noticed that. It was driving me nuts!
  • Why don't you just dump him if he is so fat? If I was him, I would be absolutely mortified by your words. Accept him for who he is or dump him.