

  • Acknowledge that ultimately you are in total control of what goes in. Forgive yourself and vow to get it right. Like good old Dr. Phil says "the only thing worse than doing it wrong 100 times is doing it wrong 101". The binge is evil and robbing you of your very happiness, it is the enemy fight back immediately! Good luck,…
  • Just know that I take ALL advice with a grain of salt, and your advice was very much appreciated! Sorry about what your going through but I find it quite selfless that in the midst of it all you are doing a clinical trial that may or may not benefit you for the sake of medical advancement. Wow, thanks again.
  • Haha, no I do eat dinner! I just went in and changed the settings today so that I could focus on eating small meals throughout the day so it went back and changed all my previous entries. I definately watch and track everything I eat so I am guessing that it has got to be too few calories.....we shall see!
  • Thanks for all the great advice, and considering what I am doing isnt working I am going to change. I went back in and changed the setting to lose 2 lbs a week and allowed MFP to guide the settings so I will definately follow it more closely, but in the meantime I appreciate you taking the time to look it over and advise…
  • Thanks so much, I didnt even think of my sodium. I am relatively new to trying to watch what I eat and really have only been concerned with calories and not looking at all aspects so thank you.
  • Thanks for all the advice and I will definately change it up to do all of that. Also I do exercise, with high intensity 5 days a week and I track my calorie loss based on an average mile for myself...about 110 calories per mile on the treadmill, I dont just randomly use MFP calorie estimates. As for water I drink about a…
  • Thanks for the advice. I guess I was just going with the thought process of meeting a certain calorie deficit. My goal was to lose 3 pounds a week which would be a caloric deficit of 10500 per week so after doing all the math yadda yadda this is what I came up with. Clearly I need to change it and am willing to. I def dont…