

  • Why is it sometimes really difficult? Trying to change too much too quickly and ending up in a punishment / reward cycle. If you make small changes gradually over a long period of time, it's a lot easier to stick with it. The only thing I did cold-turkey was giving up meat (and that was done with the help of a lot of…
  • I have multiple "types" Metal / Goth / Musician types (normally I wouldn't dream of all of those in the same category, but I'm going with a music theme, so deal with it :P ) Whiplasher from Deathstars (a Swedish band) First thing I ever heard of theirs was their song Cyanide, and I was hooked... something about his smexy…
  • Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot you can do about that. People will be snobbish if given a reason to, and when you're dealing with retail employees, it's not uncommon for them to hate their jobs and not give a flying *bleep*. Also, there's no regulation for measurements that can be labelled "extended" or "plus," so…
  • That's true, but you have to be careful with that, too, because if you pull it off and then have to leave it to ripen up, it can mold too quickly. I have no idea what that little nubby thing is called... a stem perhaps? I think it's a stem. *shrug* And your English is quite good and understandable (lovely spelling by the…
  • I'm told it's an acquired taste, but my mother says she could eat nothing but avocado for a month while carrying me, and it's been my favourite food since I was a child. I would take avocado with some salt over candy, and 99% of the time that's still the case today. Sometimes I'll replace a meal with a large avocado with…
  • I work in a casino at present, and spend my entire day in a cloud of cigarette smoke. There's really no point in my quitting until I can find a new job, which, in my area isn't too likely right now.
  • If he's medically healthy, there's no reason for him to change, but it sounds like he's eating a lot of foods which are murder on the cholesterol levels and hard on the heart. Has he gotten his cholesterol tested lately? If you really want him to change, that might be a good place to start. Being "skinny" on the outside…
  • I have a few folders on my computer with my images. I'm a highly visual person, so they help me out quite a bit. I have images of the type of legs I would like to have, the type of arms I would like to have, the waist, back, collar bones (this is a big one for me), fingers and such that are my goals. The folders aren't…
  • This statement is worrying to me for a number of reasons. If you think of foods which are calorie dense and high in fats (like icecream, cheesecake, covered in heavy creamy sauces, and whatnot, the types of food which are almost unnaturally sweet or fattening) as "good foods," and other foods as almost punishments, like a…
  • Weight 217 Shirts are usually Large. 1X are usually a hint baggy on me, but still wearable for the time being (depending on manufacturer) Pants are between 12 and 16 depending on maker Skirts are between 12 and 1X depending on maker The three dresses I wear are Medium and 14.
  • Most certainly the eyes for me for Ian Somerhalder. I love dark features with piercing bright, light eyes. Yummy.
  • A few of the men I know say they preferred the body P90X gave them to Insanity, and looking at the results images, depending on what your hubs' goals are, he may agree. Personally I prefer Insanity for both men and women's bodies, but some guys like the more muscley look (which P90X. Seems to be more geared towards) Some…
  • This thread needs more Tom Hiddleston. No thread in the history of the internet has enough Tom Hiddleston. He could bite me any time, anywhere, and he wouldn't even have to glamour me. Please don't ask me why. I don't know why. Something about him just does it for me. He's the perfect blend of clean cut and scruffy,…
  • Basically my plan is - Continue tracking everything I eat the day before, since that's been working for me - Continue to keep constantly moving at work - extra walking = extra calories burned - Add some accountability to my progress (that's where this challenge comes in!) - Keep reminding myself that food is not a reward -…
  • *hugs* It's ok. We all have those times. It's never too late to start fighting again. The past is done, there's nothing you can do about it, but what you can change is your actions in the future. Just keep swimming, you'll get there :)
  • Oh my gosh, I cannot believe those girls at the gym said those things to you! This has activated my angry mother lion side, and I'm just furious for you. My highest weight was 260 on the nose and I've NEVER gotten any comments from strangers about my weight. Children, yes, but that's why I generally avoid children. They've…
  • Top 5 Vegetables -Asparagus -Broccoli -Cauliflower -Red Bell Peppers -Onion Top 5 Fruits -Avocado -Nectarine -Plum -Pineapple -Strawberries
  • The way I got started was watching lots and lots of food and food industry documentaries and then setting a plan up for myself. They're by no means complete or perfect, but they can help you validate that you're not crazy if you've tried multiple tactics with no success, it really is difficult to know what to do sometimes…
  • I'm the opposite. I wish everything was listed in grams. Yes, everything. Well... grams and milliliters.
  • Home-made fettucine alfredo with cajun spices and sauteed red peppers in the sauce. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Every so often I make it and allow that to be all my calories for the day - breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • It isn't blaming men. If it were, that would be ridiculous. It's about a food documentary that highlights mileading advertizing and looks at the "diet food" craze.
  • That was genuine, actually. I wasn't being b****y or whatever. And when you take things like hereditary disorders and the like into account, no, we're not all the same.
  • I'm happy for you that you've found all the information you need to get on and stay on your personal path to success.
  • It's still mind boggling to me that people feel the need to speak out against something which speaks about how so many products which are marketed as "healthy" might not actually be so and encourages informed decisions, while giving real-life examples of marketing tactics which have been used in the past, like marketing…
  • Thanks, all! =^_^=
  • I have to wonder if you even watched it or if you're just responding to the phrasing of the title.
  • Also, it has a pretty good soundtrack - Muse, New Order, The Smiths, etc
  • To an extent I agree with you, but in order to put this into practice, one must first have the information. Saying "moderation" is all well and good, but you have to know how to moderate before you can actually do it. If you don't know this or that is bad for you or causes cravings for something else that also aids weight…
  • This isn't about blaming other people, it's about exploring what changed in our political and cultural history which made the supermarket culture which we all experience come to be. I find it validating to be able to look at what is marketed right now as "healthy" and know that I'm not crazy for having tried to lose weight…
  • Is it possible your mirror is warped like a lot of the ones in dressing rooms to make you think you look thinner in the clothes?