

  • I recently transitioned to being vegan from 3 years of solid vegetarianism (was on the fence about eating meat for most of my life, and started and stopped eating it for many years for various reasons). My entire family are very overweight (most are morbidly obese. My mother is over 300lb) and don't consider it a meal…
  • Yup... I've had a friend (thank the forces that be that she recently moved away) who was so jealous that I was losing weight that she used to try to sabotage me. Even went so far as to try to feed me junk food. Once, I was cuddling with our friend's dog and she put a potato chip on my chest and got annoyed when I let the…
  • Nope, the room I work out in is right next to the bathroom, and I don't even sit down before dragging my butt in for a shower (not necessarily a hair wash because I'd ruin my mane if I washed it every day). Plus, the hot water on my just worked out body is so soothing, especially during the summer because then I actually…
  • I love asparagus. It's one of my favourite vegetables. I keep grilled asparagus frozen so I can have it any time. Some of the ways I use it: - chopped up in vegetable soups - cut up or lined up in a pan, drizzled with olive oil, add pearl onions (or chopped white onions), rosemary, oregano, cayenne pepper, paprika, garlic…
  • Uncharted territory can be frightening. For some reason, in my mind, I can't see myself being slim. I really can't. I'm pretty imaginative, but I have zero concept on what it might look like on me, and I'm a little afraid, too. I'm afraid of how people will respond to me because I've been overweight since my late teens.…
  • I thought I'd notice sooner, but other people seemed to catch on before I did. Lots of friends telling me I looked good and whatnot. I was looking forward to the day when I could look down and see the floor. Lost 50 lb (260- 210) and my waist is pretty small, it takes effort to see my tummy now... but unfortunately, still…
  • Sounds awful that this is what it took, but one day a few of my male coworkers started flirting with me, teasing me more and generally going out of their way to be around me. I just thought they were being weird and moved on with my day. One of my female coworkers pointed it out and said a few had been talking and one said…
  • Asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, onion (except red), potato, zucchini - all cooked I would say red peppers and avocado, but technically, they're fruit :P
  • I don't even want to say that this could be part of it because to me, any time my friends made choices to better themselves, I celebrated it with them because I know how hard that decision is, even before I buckled down and did it myself. This is also not an over-night thing. I made a decision to get healthier about a year…
  • I'm not "on a diet," but won't get into nit-picking your word choice since that's not really the point of the thread. The things that are difficult for me to resist overeating are: - pasta. To combat this, I only eat pasta at home and only prepare one serving at a time. That way, it's so much of a hassle to go prepare more…
  • True, EXCEPT, the only times I've done this are the times when she's come to me and asked to join in on my workouts and then shown up and not wanted to do anything. The times I'd pressured her (which I gave up on because it's ultimately pointless), were right after she'd told me that sometimes she needs to be pushed. Tried…
  • I haven't specifically asked her if she's trying to sabotage me, no. I HAVE told her that I don't like that she always tries to persuade me to make poor decisions, though, and have asked her to stop. She hasn't. I do realize that she's going through some things, too, and that it isn't all about me, but from my point of…
  • For the most part I resist, but during moments of weakness, yes, I have given in. I completely acknowledge that I do share responsibility here - to say otherwise would be foolish. She's the only one of my friends who isn't either neutral or supportive. She then turns around and says she wants to join me and we'll set up an…
  • Use to be almonds, but once I got food poisoning from them, this is no longer the case.
  • Current: Receptionist with a little Human Resources, Marketing and such mixed in Dream: Either Computer or Software Engineer - something in that field I'm in school working towards my dream. Recently went back to school and am working on all my maths (hated math in high school, now I find it mildly interesting and almost…
  • ... *facepalm* Anyway... When I'm weighing and measuring my food (i.e when I get home from the grocery, weighing it into certain portions and labeling those with how many calories is in each, so when I'm preparing my food for the day or the next day I can at a glance know how much I'm taking in. It takes a large portion of…
  • Yup, this pretty much sums up my experience on dating sites. There are also a lot of guys who, despite having clearly stated in my profile multiple times that I'm not interested in NSA sex, will flood your inbox with messages asking for it. There are also a lot of guys who get upset if you go to bed (even if you said…
  • Been solidly vegetarian for about a year, but ate very little meat before that. Have always had issues with eating meat for various reasons, so I've flip-flopped between being vegetarian and not. This is my longest stretch and by far the easiest. I'm about 90% sure it's for good this time. I eat quite close to vegan, with…
  • I still experience this, though I'm 50lb into my weight loss journey. I know in my mind that I've pretty much lost a small child's worth of weight (or roughly two small-medium sized dogs) and if I put on the jeans I had from the beginning of my journey, that I can't keep them up any more without physically holding them,…
  • I had friends disappear when I lost 50lb because I was no fun to eat with any more - I wouldn't sit there and gorge on pizza and follow it up with ice cream. Instead, I'd order a salad with the dressing on the side and have a breadstick or two to accompany, but they felt I was "showing off" or something. At one point I had…
  • This describes perfectly what I went through when I decided I was no longer going to eat meat. At first I didn't tell anyone. After a few months people started asking questions because they noticed they hadn't seen me order or eat anything with meat in it in some time. At that point, I said "Yeah, no, I became a vegetarian…
  • Was in a clothing store, had just gotten off of work. I'd worn a corset under my uniform that day because my job required me to stand for long hours and it helped distribute some of the weight of my work equipment around my torso so that my hips and back don't hurt at the end of my shift, but as I was no longer at work,…
  • I have my coworkers and friends do this. I tell my friends I have an unhealthy relationship with food, and that I sometimes feel excessive guilt concerning food, and every time I see them, they say "Let's go get ice cream!" or offer me a cookie, or wants to go to a place where everything is fried and I sit there feeling…
  • What you're eating sounds very punishing... I doubt I'd feel decent after eating that, either. I have issues whenever I eat too much raw veggies for some reason... my stomach HATES raw carrots with a passion and I feel strange for hours after eating them. However, I can eat virtually any steamed or grilled veggie with no…
  • My triggers are avocado, chocolate, salt, cheese, excessive sunlight, heat, dehydration and excessive noise. I came to the realisation that I was not going to be able to live without avocado. I mean, I guess it's possible that it COULD be done, but what's a life without your absolute favourite food? Not friggin' worth it,…
  • My half-sister who grew up in Italy taught me an excellent trick for that. Before you leave the house (because if you haven't eaten in the last hour they'll try to feed you. You know it's true!!) eat a bunch of vegetables. You won't be hungry when you get there, and then you can do the "Oh, I couldn't possibly! Oh...…
  • You're not alone. A lot of people won't get where you're coming from, but I've had the same thoughts, so I hear you loud and clear. I was thin as a child, but I hardly remember it since when I started putting on weight, it just kept coming and wouldn't stop. My entire adult life I've been... well... fat, and it doesn't…
  • lose another 11 pounds for a total of 60 pounds lost this year, and be solidly at 200.
  • 135... No, that isn't a typo... I just wasn't hungry and didn't want anything. Getting those 135 in was difficult enough.
  • A large reason is because I would LOVE to see the guy who I was head-over-heels for in high school and who broke my heart and to have him see that I look absolutely amazing at our 10 year reunion. I didn't look awful in school, and I don't look too bad now, but I know he does now, and I'm going to look great. Maybe I'll…