Your number one reason to lose weight



  • BaconSlanger
    BaconSlanger Posts: 64 Member
    I want to be able to outrun zombies in the event that another ascomycota fungi evolves/mutates and takes over our bodies.

    (Brownie points if you know that reference.)

    Please say you speak of The Last of Us.
    That game is just *falls to knees* the best.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    Because the migraine meds I had been on caused me to put on 45 lbs in like 3 months. And that really alarmed me, I didn't wanna have to buy any new clothes and I noticeably felt crappier and less energetic. I had my Dr switch my meds and have been logging calories and consistently working out and have lost something like 34.8 lbs now wanna get bk down to where I was before putting on weight and even a little more than that and put on some extra muscle. Also I wanna feel comfortable wearing dresses and that and not being in shape makes that really hard especially since I am very short so if I put on weight its easier to notice.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,012 Member
    My #1 reason is to be healthy. I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroid, when I started mfp I was in bed 3xs or more a week. I hurt all over, fell asleep in mid sentence and basically didnt have a life, also high blood pressure and high chlesterol. Now I can live life, no more high blood pressure and no more high chlesterol and no more days in bed. Wow now I have my life back.....what a great reason to lose weight
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    Because I want to look on the outside what I feel on the inside.

    Because I don't want to be heavy for the rest of my life.

    Because I want to be able to do more in life than I can do now. Not have so much difficulty doing things I am uncomfortable doing now.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    My main reason was to tighten up my body. I loved my curves and knew I had potential so I went to work!
  • reddaddie
    reddaddie Posts: 121 Member
    My #1 reason is to be healthy. I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroid, when I started mfp I was in bed 3xs or more a week. I hurt all over, fell asleep in mid sentence and basically didnt have a life, also high blood pressure and high chlesterol. Now I can live life, no more high blood pressure and no more high chlesterol and no more days in bed. Wow now I have my life back.....what a great reason to lose weight
    Keeping up with this one^ ;-)
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    To look good next to my sexy weight lifting husband.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    So that I can ride my bicycle up hills even faster. I'm a pretty good hill climber now, but if I were 10 pounds lighter, I'd be uncatchable.

    Also, just to prove to myself that I can do it. :smile:
  • kkaiser104
    I'm going to grad school next fall and I don't want to be the fattest girl in the room anymore.

    I don't want to worry if I can fit into a desk, car seat, airplane seat, or rollercoaster.

    I'm tired of my knees and ankles hurting at 21 years old.

    I'm young and have some chance of my skin bouncing back if I lose the weight now.

    I want to feel like I deserve to be loved.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    So what about all of you? What is your number one reason for losing weight?

    I was fat.
  • llmcconnell
    llmcconnell Posts: 344 Member
    Be healthy and live a healthy life. That's number one for sure but looking and feeling good is a close second :)

    Edited to add: Good luck to you OP. Whatever it is that's holding you down, just know that you have it within you to succeed.
  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    Wanna run marathon under 4 hours next year, the less load I carry, the faster I get.
  • cameronwheeler
    My number one reason? to be an inspiration to others. I told myself I couldn't do it, I would always be big my entire life, but now thats changed.
  • tonynguyen75
    tonynguyen75 Posts: 418 Member
    Man you guys all have great reasons. I just want to be ripped. SHREDDED!
  • WiggleDress674
    I have a lot of reasons. The first is to get healthier and know that I had the confidence and determination to lose the weight that I feel has been pulling me back for such a long time.
    The second is to go back home and shut some people up. Like, family would criticize me for being so overweight. It was more like getting made fun of and when I called them out on it they would say "We are just trying to help you!" while also calling me names and saying nothing positive.
    That messed me up for such a long time and I didn't feel secure with myself because whenever I would there would always be a family member just hurting me. With so much negative reinforcement and depression, nothing helped. I knew I had to diet and exercise but didn't know how.
    My husband would get mad whenever I cried to them and once told them off . When I married and moved FAR away from everyone, it took so much time and hard work to finally love myself and realize that I have to lose weight to live a longer and fuller life. Also, I had to accept myself, flaws and all and for some reason that helped me out. So far I have lost 70 pounds (pre-joining this site) and I have 20-25 more to go. I am going home in December and I want to show my family that I am not all the bad things they said I was and WITHOUT their help I made it and I don't need their nasty attitudes.
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 313 Member
    My kids deserve an active, confident mother. I want to be their role model and show them that being active and healthy can be fun.

    And I need to be around long enough for some diaper changing payback.
  • ketoambahh
    I want to shop at some of my favorite stores again. I miss Maurice's. :(
  • VioletNightshade
    A large reason is because I would LOVE to see the guy who I was head-over-heels for in high school and who broke my heart and to have him see that I look absolutely amazing at our 10 year reunion. I didn't look awful in school, and I don't look too bad now, but I know he does now, and I'm going to look great. Maybe I'll even have a lovely date to take with me, because I'm already under my end of high school weight (quickly approaching my beginning of high school weight), and if I do say so myself, I'm getting hot! :P

    Might sound kind of petty, but it would be nice to have him know I look way better than he does. With the way I eat now, my skin's super clear, hair is shiny (and about 10 inches longer than it was, and growing) and I'd love to be a tiny little thing when I see him again to show him what he missed out on. I'm usually a completely non-competitive person, but in this case, he treated me pretty terribly, and I deserve to "win."
  • lambchoplewis
    I got sick of listening to my girlfriends talking about going on Advocare, 30 day cleanses and all other budget busting diets that had them lose 5-10 lbs only to pay a lot and gain it back. I said NOTHING and just started MFP. Lost the weight and have kept it off!!!
  • Kramil91
    when it comes to workout programs and such, keep in mind that at first your weight may stand still and sometimes even increase due to increase of muscle mass, not all weight gain is the bad kind, so dont get ALL hyped on numbers without having that in mind if you workout. for me my main goal changes as i get better, but my next big goal is to be able to run a 5k obstacle course