vegetarian/vegan friends

I'm looking for vegan or vegetarian friends who are willing to talk about their diet (especially if they are eating vegan).
I'm eating pretty much vegan except for some yoghurt everyday and one or two eggs maybe every second month (I'm still eating those foods because I struggle with my protein intake).
I've had an eating disorder which basically means that my intake is most often still rather low but I'm working on that really hard. I'd be very happy about some friend requests.


  • Jumjutikawex
    I've been a vegetarian for some years, I used to be very strict but now I eat fish. We catch it so I know exactly where it was and how it lived so I use that for protein which has been helping. When I have some carbs I usually put some of that with it to help not spike up my blood sugar really fast. Before that though, I would eat beans for protein.. lots and lots of beans, I had a bag of bulk bought peanuts that I would eat, corn, peas, broccoli, I don't really like to take the soy kind of protein powder and they whey can be pretty spendy so I usually just stuck to eating it in foods. I used to make protein shakes when I had a magic bullet. That thing was awesome! It can be difficult but it's definitely doable. I'll add you as a friend!
  • juliafromrf
    juliafromrf Posts: 106 Member
    I've been following a vegan lifestyle for almost a year now and I also had problems with my protein intake at first. Now I always take care that I eat something high in protein with every meal. Lentils, beans, tofu, tempeh, soy yoghurt, quinoa, whole grain bread and also some vegetarian spreads are high in protein.
    It's easy to combine these foods to a low-cal meal, for example: beans with onion and tofu-cubes, tomatoes and tomato sauce -> makes a great lunch or dinner and provides a good deal of protein. Or bell peppers filled with mashed tofu and quinoa. Lentil soup. Quinoa-potato patties with soy-yoghurt-dip. Whole grain bread topped with high-protein vegan spread.
    The possibilities are endless, but in most cases you should be willing to cook for yourself.

    I wish you all the best for curing your ED, I know what it feels like to obsess over food. If you want to talk, feel free to PM me.
  • Seeds45
    I have been vegetarian since 1988. I try to eat Vegan now. My last and hardest thing to stop has been BUTTER. I LOVE butter but have not had any since December 31, 2013. YEA. Not as hard as I thought it would be. I also eat Morningstar Farms sausage patties sometimes. They have egg white. I could do with out these also, but I like to have something fast and easy for some mornings. A one handed breakfast.
    Why do you feel the need for more protein? You are not deficient in protein. It would take you years to get that way. As long as you are eating a diet that is colorful, has beans, grains, fruits and vegetables you will be just fine. Watch the free video "Forks Over Knives" it will explain it much better then I ever could. Read anything by Dr. John McDougall, T. Colin Campbell's The China Study. Rip Esselstyn Engine #2 has some pretty good recipes and he changed the lives of a whole Fire House full of fire fighters.

    Raw Hemp Seed- 3Tablespoon has 11g. protein. That is huge!! Put it in your smoothie, oatmeal, cold cereal.
    Potato-11% protein, corn-12%, oranges-8%, Cauliflower-40%, These are complete proteins, meaning they contain all of the essential amino acids. Beans, peas, lentils provide 28% of their calories from protein, the same as beef.
    Any more is NOT healthy, as it taxes your kidneys, because you must get it out of your body.
    If you just want to eat eggs, fine but don't fool yourself into thinking you are deficient.
    You can do it and you will feel better for it. Colorful, with beans, peas, lentils and vegetables will do your body good…
    Check out for a ton of recipes that you will love.
  • kerricus
    kerricus Posts: 165 Member
    I make my own seitan. According to MFP, it has about 24 g of protein in a serving. If you can handle gluten and a simple recipe, message me and I'll send you my recipe.
  • VioletNightshade
    Been solidly vegetarian for about a year, but ate very little meat before that. Have always had issues with eating meat for various reasons, so I've flip-flopped between being vegetarian and not. This is my longest stretch and by far the easiest. I'm about 90% sure it's for good this time.

    I eat quite close to vegan, with very little milk and will sometimes go weeks without egg. I've been considering making the leap and going vegan, but I'm still on the fence about it. Might happen some time this year.

    Getting support has been difficult for me. Even here, there are people who get nasty about other people's choice not to eat meat, dairy etc. You'd think this would be a safe, supportive zone, but it just goes to show that, unfortunately, people are like that everywhere.

    I'd also love some more friends who share my preference not to eat meat :)
  • NoExcusesFitnessCoach
    I've been vegan for a year and vegetarian for several years before that. Aside from the obvious protein sources several others have mentioned, I've had luck with some really clean plant-based proteins like Beyond Meat and Field Roast "sausages". Both are very clean, unlike many other meat substitutes (like MorningStar, which contains genetically modified soy among other things).

    I'm able to keep my protein intake exactly where it needs to be and I'm 100% vegan. Hope that helps!