

  • I call the half century mark the fearless fifties! Don't you feel like taking on the world!
    in Hi, Ladies! Comment by magzeen July 2013
  • I've had to give up trigger foods until I don't crave them anymore. The afternoon energy dip causes me to crave carbs. Before my diet I would eat chips or cookies. Then I moved onto pretzels and tried cutting back on it but it didn't work. Then I tried eating more lean protein for lunch and that helped. Now when afternoon…
  • Yup. That's me. The 51 year old metabolism makes it more challenging to get in shape much less lose weight. But you know what? I feel better now that when I was younger! I know myself better and I don't worry about the things I did when I was younger. I'm more sure of myself but I also know what aspects of me I still need…