SelenaBou Member


  • I'm on it for PCOS and yes in the beginning it did make me lose my appetite. It took a month or two but it came back. I have been on Metformin for a few years now and would say my appetite is pretty much normal now. Something I have noticed is that I have less sweet cravings now and more salty cravings. Not sure if it is…
  • I just needed to throw in my two cents about my Moving Comfort Bra's!!! I absolutely love them!!! Well worth the $40 or less that you will have to spend on them. Mine are a couple years old and I run or work out three times a week. They are still just as supportive as the day I bought them (or at least almost). Find a…
  • If there is a running club in your area I highly recommend joining them. This is how I started out and they coached me to prepare for a half marathon. I have no desire to go further but am totally envious of people who do, I just don't have the mental stamina to run for 5hrs:) Shoes are key so go to a running store and get…
  • The only thing that has worked for me as far as the gym goes is this. We joined the YMCA. The ones here (Ontario, Canada) have kids programming so my girls go to program while I do my work out. They are having fun and making friends so I don't feel bad leaving them. The other thing I do but realize this won't really work…
  • I have PCOS and two beautiful little girls. I lost 20lbs and got pregnant without help the first time. The second I had lost a bit more weight and was on metformin. There is lots of hope. Losing the weight will be a struggle but if you are determined it will happen. I have to try very hard to lose and have to be very…
  • I would do it as two recipes. One being your mayo as it's own recipe and one for the ham salad. Then you can use the mayo recipe later for other things and you have the ham recipe when you make it. I do that with all of the things I make and eat regularly to make it so much quicker to log things when I'm busy and on the…