

  • Hello. I'm due March 9th 2014 with my 4th. I have 2 healthy daughters and one who is in heaven. I forgot about the morning sickness I suffered those last 3 times......what was I thinking????
  • Oh Canb, I hope for you that everything goes well. Ultrasounds can be quite unreliable and especially if it was an external exam. I'm a big lady and my first scan will be done with what my hubby calls the '*kitten* doppler' Please keep us updated. As for everyone else I totally understand on slow bowel! Holy Farting…
  • Congratulations to both of you on your pregnancies. I am 5 weeks 2 days pregnant. I'm mostly just tired and hungry. I weigh about 260lbs which is close o my full term weight with my last daughter. I have been able to eat well for most of the last week and a half and may actually have lost some weight . I'm excited to take…
  • How are you all feeling? Any morning sickness yet? I'm fine but very tired. I have been pretty good with eating and cutting out too much sugar and no pop! What small changes are you making? I find it easier now that I know I am pregnant. It is the motivation I needed!
  • I found that if i don't buy it I don't eat it but if I'm at a party or something I allow myself a little sugar something. I eat less of it because I'm in public :) I have 2 small children in the house and they are allowed one box of chocolates per month (10 high quality chocolates) I would dare eat one even if the sugar…
  • Really interesting, Thank You!
  • Thank You. I just joined :)
  • Hello. Baby number three is due on March 9th! I have a much healthier outlook to thi spregnancy than my other pregnancies too although I'm a long way from a healthy BMI. My aim is to gain very little and to eat a healthy balanced diet throughout. Of course I will probably be pretty sick in the next few months so I really…