

  • Ups and downs will happen, they shake me a lot and half the time if I step on the scales and see no progress it feels like a punch in the gut. The only comfort I get is IMHO weightless is just maths. If you put in less calories than you use then you will lose weight. It is that simple. Sometimes theres a lag period where…
  • I used to be 9 stone three years ago and with finishing university, working in a call centre I just didn't notice the weight creeping on. The final straw really came when I was packing up to move apartments and I found my clothes from 3 years ago and I realised just how much weight I'd put on. It was kinda terrifying. I…
  • I weigh once a week, every Tuesday first thing in the morning. I find my weight just fluctuates too much to get anything meaningful out of daily weigh in sna seeing that I'm not loosing weight upsets me and then I crash and burn and over eat.
  • Congratulations =D that's incredible!