

  • I have the C25K app and just finished Week 3 Day 1 today, I jog at about 4.1 and walk at 3.8 on the treadmill. I don't excercise outside, I live in Texas, it's too hot! I really like the app, but it's a little buggy so just be sure to keep track of what you're doing and not open too many other things at the same time. I…
  • Hi! I was about to start Week 3 Day 1 yesterday and saw the 3 minute run description and said "Uh, no, I'll just do Week 2 Day 3 again" which I did without too much trouble. I took a long break because of the weekend, didn't do anything since last Thursday! Today is my rest day and tomorrow I'm going to start W3D1 for…
  • My driver at the moment is not jeans, it's three pairs of new pants I bought for work. I'm currently at that annoying place in between sizes, the 14 is too big and almost falls off, the 12s are a teeny bit too tight to wear comfortably all day. I spent almost $100 buying those new clothes and it's annoying that now they…
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